It was a little known fact that I have an addiction to movies. In fact my entire family is an avid consumer of Bollywood, which has made me a ‘filmy keeda’ myself. And firang cinema is something that I began subjecting myself to once I discovered the genre of psychological thrillers.
This was a well kept secret until I was asked to handle a Bollywood account in my current company and the cat was out of the hat. Whether I wanted to be that or not, now i’m the go-to guy for everything Bollywood at my workplace.Seriously, one of my bosses must be reading this right now and would agree. (Hi)
When your hobby or interest becomes your work, it is awesome. Until it becomes all that you have to do whether you want to or not and additionally there are rules that almost completely restrict your inner force (not-so-subtle plugin). Then it becomes awful.
So recently along with a friend I decided to make my ‘interest’ interesting all over again. We decided to apply our movie-mentality and think of plot-twists that don’t exist unless you think about it.
Certain subtle changes in point-of-view like; what if Shah Rukh Khan was actually the antagonist in Mohabbatein. OR whether Thor is a story of erectile dysfunction. I mean come on, man unable to lift hammer until he finds Natalie Portman. Legit, right?
Coming up with fan theories like the ridiculously awesome idea of Star Wars & E.T. sharing the same universe.

Pretty epic, I know. Why didn’t I think of this one?
The debate on the fact that there are multiple universes will continue to go on, but in my opinion these universes exist in the form of the cinematic universes that have been created by some brilliant minds. And that’s why I love to immerse myself into the stories and plots of any and every movie I see. You don’t always end up getting the best of results, but the journey is sometimes worth it. Coming to the HP Star Wars Special Edition Notebook, it inspires me to kiss my barely existent social life goodbye and immerse myself into the world of cinema-
Be so involved in the movies that I, for that singular moment, start living in their universe, start thinking like those characters and ask myself how I would respond in key movie situations. I remember when I saw Richard Ayoade‘s ‘The Double’, I kept thinking how I would try to prove my existence in world where I’m already accepted as someone else. (You have to know a bit about the movie to catch that)
Heck, I remember keeping my hair long & a messy french beard on my muck for the longest time after watching The Big Lebowski. In fact I even made my first work blog titled ‘The Copy Dude‘.
That’s what movies do to you. They involve you, make you part of their cinematic lives and change the way you visualise certain things.
Only recently, there was a lot of buzz around the Star Wars releasing internationally and Dilwale & Bajirao Mastani releasing in India. I know I’ll get a lot of flak for naming these movies in the same sentence, but hey, these three literally were the most buzz-creating movies in the past week in India and not necessarily in that order. So if you’re an Indian, accept it, embrace it or just deal with it!
So when I read about the ‘HP Star Wars Fun Side Challenge’, I had an idea of combining my love for Bollywood & Hollywood movies… and puns.
Here goes something… a fun way to look at the three most-talked-about films this month, in India!
If the concept disturbs you, well, you have me to hate.
But if you love the design, my friend Sandy is the man to appreciate!
Now, let’s take out time and talk about the beast in the room.
With a 6th generation Intel® Core™ i5 processor, 8 gigs of RAM with 2GB Nvidia 940M Graphics Card, this device is f’n savage. Add 1TB disk space and you could store the best quality movies, install some insane games and apps. It also has Audio by B&O PLAY which I frankly haven’t ever experienced but have heard makes for a very good feel. But that’s for you to decide.
What sets this notebook apart is the design inspired by the dark-side. You know, the one all of us (if not overtly) at least secretly root for. Look at it. Just look at it. You know when the ad for the notebook is almost better than a movie’s trailer, you’re in for a good experience.
I was reading up on the device and it said it had a high-def anti-glare screen and I was in love. Yes, of all the features, an anti-glare screen is what captured my attention. I HATE SCREEN GLARE, okay?
Me being a writer and a movie-buff there are a few things that I love in a machine. Keyboard, lack of lag and a glare-free screen. The rest for me is negotiable. HP laptops have the most comfortable keyboards, so that’s not even up for discussion actually.
With the specs of this Notebook and the overall look, the force definitely seems to be strong on this one. And to seal the deal, for the connoisseurs and fanboys the device comes pre-loaded with the Star Wars ‘command center’; which gives you access to rare artwork and archived storyboards of the original trilogy among other cool stuff!
What Star Wars movies have taught us all, is that you can’t achieve jack without a team (or an army, depends which side you’re on).
And even the HP Star Wars Special Edition Notebook is not alone. Check out these awesome machines from the same family that have slowly begun to rule hearts around the world.

These bad boys are the HP Pavilion x2 Notebook, HP Pavilion 15 Notebook & the HP Pavilion x360 Notebook.
Time for some advice straight from my personal tech-sperience.
“Many-a-times when we use a machine for some work and load any multimedia on the side it lags or shows you some resistance (slightly-gentle plugin). What better a machine that awakens the force with its extra memory juice and let’s you play a game, keep some important files open and does not make you panic to shut your programs in order to open new ones.”
I even took the liberty of creating the iconic Star Wars crawl of my beautiful advice. Ha? HA? No? Okay.
I know I won’t be the best judge of a machine considering the only time the force had awakened in my previous devices was when I had to ‘Force Shutdown’ them *ba dum tss + tears*.
But think about it, a laptop that looks so fierce has to deliver. Giants like HP & Star Wars won’t come together only to leave the machine’s performance upto chance.
To sum it up, the HP Star Wars Special Edition Notebook will inspire me to take my love for cinema to another level with its seamless performance, and keep assuring that I execute my wacky ideas and side-projects with ease. Heck, it inspired me to write this blog post, and it’s not that bad, don’t you agree?
With such amazing reinforcements from the dark side; get our hands on this notebook, we must! (pardon my Yoda)
You can check out the specs of the products in detail here: & tell me how this post managed to #AwakenYourForce, below in the comments section. Cheers!

Shh, Yoda.
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